Sunday, January 24, 2010

Camping at Watkins Glen

We went camping in Watkins Glen NY with Erica's parents and brother Adam and his wife Dorothy over Columbus Day weekend. Here's Grandpa Mark holding his favorite grandson Grant. (I wasn't sure if this picture would come out so nice because of their camouflage but it looks great.)

Here are the 2 boys warming up by the fire after a cold night's sleep. It was cold even with all of us in the same tent together; but not cold enough to prevent tossing and turning, the occasional crying outburst, or the need to pee and I only speak of myself.

This is the Gorge Trail we walked. Its pretty cool. I recommend a visit if you ever find yourself 5 hours from New york City, 3 hours from Rochester, and 15 minutes from the nearest mullet grooming salon. (You'll know you're close by all the Iroc Zs)

The Gorge Trail is not too hard to describe even for a stooge like myself. Its a Trail that traverses the inside of a ......Gorge. All kidding aside, its very cool. Here the trail goes under the stream which has slowly been carving the gorge since the latest Ice Age (or at least since the very first Ice Age movie came out!)

Here's a view of Base Camp Echo (sounds cooler adding random word). It was our launching point for various expeditions to the latreen, playground, sling shot target range, and hiking paths. This picture represents the majority of how our time was divided - making a fire while discussing the latest trends in plaid and food preparation. It was a great trip.


Matt and Alissa said...

How fun! That place looks gorgeous. I would love to go out east and see all the gorgeous sites.

Gretchen said...

That first picture of Dad and Grant...their camo is soo good that I can't even see Grant! I'm pretty sure he's holding Lucy, his favorite grandkid.....